A Good Preparation For Life

When I was thirteen and my Grandfather died, I was on the wrong track. Although I had been involved in Cub Scouts, I did not quite gel with the follow on Scout Troop and had become estranged from Scouting. However, due to the efforts of a couple to reestablish a Troop, I was asked to come in and assume a leadership role in this new endeavor. Through leading by example because it was expected of me and other Scouts depended on me, I turned my path around. Within two years I had my Star Scout and eventually attained my Eagle Scout. All of the wilderness and leadership lessons I learned helped me when I joined the Marines and made Sergeant within two and a half years. The things I learned about life as a Boy Scout helped me to persevere when life threw obstacles in my way. I have now attained a Masters of Science degree and am happy with a wife and child. I believe Scouting was integral to making me who I am as an adult.

Submitted by: Richard Dreyling of St. Paul, MN