Persevering Through Difficult Times

Even if every single one of the 98,000 abuse cases proves out as valid, then compared with something like 130 million BSA members over the years, that represents 0.08% of the membership or rather fewer than one in one thousand. Still far too many, but considering that the BSA was targeted by persons who are child abusers, the BSA still has done an incredible amount of good. Unfortunately, the BSA appears to be roadkill in the effort to target the Catholic Church and a much easier and bigger single target than individual churches and dioceses. The attorneys targeting the BSA likely stand to make between $500 million and $1 billion. None of that will go to help persons who may have been abused.

The combination of the lawsuits, bankruptcy and Covid has been very difficult on the BSA. Those of us who believe in Scouting will need to help Scouting and the BSA come out the other side.

Submitted by: Neil Lupton of Suffolk County, Mass