A lifetime of Scouting

A Cub Scout at 9, I finished Wolf & Bear, we then moved towns. Membership dates moved back a year then at 11 I became a Boy Scout. It was off to summer camp on Lake of the Ozarks, then moved again to St. Joseph, Mo. Active in Troop then Explorer post. Summer camp for two more years -MicOSay campers honorary as Brave Rapid Spark – pretty good at Morse code. Post canoe trip – three canoes capsized in wind storm first day – Canada. Eagle before 17. Scouter in Brussels, Transatlantic Council 1964-1967. Led Philmont trek, 1979. And that’s not even half the story. Served on sons’ troops, local council offices, Wood Badge course, Formed non-profit to benefit camp.

Submitted by: R. Rex Thompson of Pasco,