Shaping the Future of Our Country

I’m a Unit Commissioner, Cub Scout Round Table Commissioner, Program Director for Cub Scout Day Camp and I lead the committee for Family Friends of Scouting in my district. I’ve been involved with Scouting for 12 years and I’ve taken a leader position in every unit I have been a part of because I’m committed to this program. I have been blessed to see the changes in our children, families and community and I’m proud to be a part of adventure

My son just made Eagle and finished the fourth level of the religious knot. We started this journey because he couldn’t sit down and needed a place to run! He has attended every event he could sign up for, including National and World Jamboree and Venture fest, (he is planning his trip to the Moot in Ireland!) has taken loads of training and has grown from a silly little boy into a leader. He has taken on leadership positions with his Pack, Troop, in his Venturer Council, in Order of the Arrow (which is an elite Scouting group) and also with the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia. He has totally committed to the 12 principals of Scouting! He’s not perfect, but Scouting has really helped form the type of man he is becoming. Is there anything else available to us as parents that support these inspiring principles while allowing our kids to have amazing adventures?? It’s the only organization I know of that coaches and supports families and at the same time prepares kids for their future. How to be productive citizens that can handle the bumps life throws their way. I have seen boys who were always in trouble, bullies, and shy & introverted kids, change with the help of this program and fellow Scouts into confident, capable leaders who I admire.

Submitted by: Nancy Pendleton of Yorktown, VA